Vision: Contribution to the national economy through the productivity of the manufacturers, vendors and consumer subsidiaries and the development of agri business. Missions: a) An assessment of the supply and demand of agricultural commodities, stock and price situation analysis and advance estimation of the value of essential agricultural commodities and information management and promotion H) Construction of Market Infrastructure with modern facilities and marketing and supply of agricultural commodities Thaya by providing assistance to build efficient market system. C) Monitoring the quality of agricultural commodities, assessing important agricultural products and providing marketing services. D) Supporting the formation of peasant marketing groups / parties and establishment of consumer connections with manufacturers and vendors. E) To assist in increasing the export of agricultural and agricultural products by establishing agro-business and agro-based industries. (I) Continuing the value addition activities of agricultural products by providing training, marketing and credit assistance to grading, setting, packaging, processing and conservation of agricultural commodities.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS